
When is it a Concern? Alcohol or other substances 

Most people have at times wondered if they were drinking too much or if they should take a breakThis tends to happen around occasions where alcohol ends up taking up a lot of time, energy, or you notice that you’ve been spending more than you intended, either on alcohol or alcohol related thingsWhile we’re talking about alcohol it’s important to remember that these can be signs of concern with marijuana, prescription medication, and other substances. These are also applicable to any number of activities like shopping, gambling, sexual activity, electronics and many more! 

How do we know when things are becoming unhelpful for us? The biggest one is your “gut” feeling, you feel something is off and are trying to find an answer. Once you’ve started looking for information you’ve taken that first step towards change! Otherwise, here are a few “warning signs” that something is not quite right.  

Commonly Impacted Areas 


Sometimes, with work or school, the impacts of alcohol can be really obvious. For instance, showing up late, calling in sick, or not showing up at all are big tells that something isn’t quite right with your level of use. What about the less obvious ones? Feeling tired all the time, feeling really irritable or anxious, and having difficulty staying on task are also just a few of the signs that tend to fly under the radar.  

Family, Friends, and Loved Ones 

When alcohol or alcohol related behaviour begins to impact your loved ones, you might start hearing questions about “Are you okay?” or “You’ve been drinking a lot lately”. Even though these questions can feel really frustrating or invasive, they’re coming from a place of concern. If you disagree, that’s okay! Just take note that someone felt that they had to mention it to you. Alternatively, you might notice that people close to you are less interested, more distant, and they’re not calling as much as they used to.  


This can be difficult to nail down because some activities that aren’t causing difficulties can also have a large financial impact. If you are constantly increasing spending on alcohol or alcohol related activities, it can definitely show that there is something to be concerned about. Take note of smaller paychecks as well or an increase in bills as they can show the impact on other areas.  


Are you able to keep up with your other hobbies? Do you still want to do them or is drinking becoming more important? This reprioritization can occur subtly and over time. You might not have noticed that the other things you usually enjoy haven’t been coming up as often. If it was a group hobby, maybe you haven’t been invited as often as you used to be.  


Remember when I said you might be too tired for work? A decrease in concentration, feeling like you can’t remember as well as you used to, or your mind feeling foggy are all signs from your body of a potential problem. Checking in with yourself and scanning your whole body for discomfort is important. What’s changed lately? One of the most common is a decrease in sleep duration or quality. Occasionally you feel much more energetic during or after drinking, but then feeling exhausted.  It’s more than just a hangover, and if you’re experiencing this more frequently, it’s a point to consider.  


There can be a lot of different emotional reactions. Most common examples are irritability, switching moods very quickly, and feeling depressed more often. These emotions can feel overwhelming or more intense when you stop drinking. Maybe not right away, but if you don’t drink for a few days to a few weeks, you’ll start to notice changes in your emotional state.   


Spiritual practices are highly personal. If you’re a member of an organized religion, follow your own spiritual guidance, or like to be connected with something else out there, you’ll notice that drinking leaves an impact on your spirituality as well. While these are individualized, examples may include you irregularly attending or participating in your practices, you might not feel as “connected” with your guiding principles or being (s), and you may have difficulty engaging with your community surrounding your practices.  

What if I am not sure? 

Sometimes a label can help focus your thoughts, but you don’t need a label to start working on yourself. If you feel off, even slightly out of control, or have had someone you care about ask if you are okay, you might want to consider changing things up.  

You don’t have to commit to changing at all, or right now, or forever. There are always choices. You can decide to try something new, cut back, stop drinking, or continue drinking. Most importantly, these changes don’t have to be permanent. If it feels restrictive you can say you want to not drink for this moment, and see how that makes you feel.   

What can I do? 

The best thing you can do is recognize that something is not working for you anymore. Even if it is a hint that it may be off, try some of these suggestions: 

  1. Take a break  In the substance use world, this can be called a tolerance break. It is a period where you do not engage in drinking. This can be done for several reasons not just because you are worried! Sometimes people take a break to bring back the spark in an activity or to reset their literal tolerance for alcohol or marijuana 
  2. Delay the activity – If taking a break is too overwhelming, try to put drinking off for 2 seconds, 2 minutes, ½ hour, or a day. Check in with yourself about the urge to drink. 
  3. Find something similar – Even a delay can feel like too much sometimes. When this happens, I encourage you to find a similar activity. Instead of grabbing that beer, grab a can of sparking water or apple juice, instead of going to the casino, watch wheel of fortune! 
  4. Start keeping track – This can be the amount of alcohol you are drinking or marijuana you are smoking, the amount of money you have lost, or the amount of time you’ve put into something. Really look at what you are doing and keep tabs regularly.
  5.  Monitor your mood – Through all of this, consider keeping up with how you are feeling. When you are drinking, when you are not, if you have done it for days straight or when you haven’t done it at all. See how each situation actually makes you feel.
  6. Make a list – A top ten list! Instead of listing your favorite things, try things that are most important to you. Then make a second list of the top ten things you spend the most amount of time on. Be as honest as possible. See if these two lists line up, and then allocate time where it benefits the most.  

How we can help 

At Unstuck, we can help you understand the underlying struggles that lead to drinking, smoking, or any impulsive actionsThe increase in focus on drinking can be started by a recent stressor or the way that it makes you feel. Short term, this is usually not problematic, but in the long term then we can see the impacts described above. Usuallythese behaviours are maintained or encouraged by your past experiences. Here at Unstuck, we know that the past informs the present. Let us help you work through the past so that you can enjoy your present by booking a risk-free consultation! 

Angela MacLeod


Laudet, A. B. (2011). The case for considering quality of life in addiction research and clinical practice. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 6(1), 44-55.  

Marlatt, G. A. & Gordon, J.R. (Ed.). (1985). Relapse Prevention: Maintenance strategies in the treatment of addictive behaviors. New York: Guilford Press. 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Surgeon General, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. Washington, DC: HHS, November 2016. 

Written By

Picture of Angela Macleod

Angela Macleod

Angela, a compassionate psychologist, helps individuals overcome challenges like panic attacks, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addictions, fostering personal growth and resilience.